Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hello, My Name is Mel

David Duchovny, star of Californication, has apparently been told by his wife, the lovely Tea Leoni, that he must receive treatment for his sex addiction, or she's packing her heels and lipstick and hittin' the road. The film Choke, to be realsed in Australia soon, features a sexaholic protagonist who, during his 12-Step meetings designed to treat this addiction, can often be found 'shtupping' other similarly addicted members in the bathroom. In Will Ferrell's Blades of Glory, he plays a sex addict who uses such meetings as a bragging forum of what he's done to various nymphettes, given his druthers, and some of theirs.

Why is sexaholism so damn funny?

When ppl identify as alcohlics, or drug addicts, this is rarely met with gales of laughter. Indeed, the ppl living with and around these very ill ppl usually don't find anything funny about it at all. Both these conditions are recognised as serious, very dangerous, and very likely to shorten your life expectancy. Very rarely are they percieved as 'glamourous' conditions.

Sexaholism, on the other hand, seems to generally evoke a gritty, noirish fascination - can a disease really be so bad if all it consists of is bedding beautiful women, and living life at the edge? I would argue a bloody big YES. An addiction by definition is a relationship with a substance or process that is all consuming. Sure, sex is fun, but how much could you really enjoy its pursuit and practice if that was what constituted your entire life? What if that was what it was all about? It sure doesn't leave much room for establishing healthy relationship, functioning at a high lvl in other aspects of life, such as work or study, and probably alienates a fair few ppl - generally, friends don't stick around if you continually make sexual advances towards their partners.

This is the side rarely shown - it seems that public depictions of this addiction prefer stories that involve a blonde masseuse, a 40-gallon drum of baby oil, mood lighting, and a parrot. But sexaholism is real, just like alcholism and drug addiction. Yet no one seems overly prepared to make jokes about heroin addicts, or ppl so drunk they forget to check for traffic step out into the road, only to be knocked down and killed.

What's the answer, ppl? Do we need to recognise sexaholism as a serious illness, and then treat it, and its sufferers, with a little more respect? Or does someone need to come up with some awesome funnies about the one time, this heroin addict walked into a public bathroom, and...

Or is sexaholism just intrinsically funny?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Please, Please, Tell Me Know - WTF?!

Who the fuck are the Jonas Brothers? And why do I care?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Please, Please, Tell Me Now - A/S/L?

Ladies and Gentlemen, let it be known here and now: I have a ring on the third finger of my left hand. The kind with diamonds. That's right, folks - she's getting married!
I'm very excited by this - my fiance is a lovely man who's my favourite, and my choice for the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

However, just 'cause I'm engaged, doesn't mean I'm blind. There are still many attractive ppl out there, some of whom I've been known to /gasp! shock!/ flirt with. However, there are some ppl who don't know I'm getting married.

Which brings me to Mel's Lunchtime Ethics Poll: at what point do you have to come clean? I drink coffee with these ppl - we try not to talk about our secret pain, instead opting for some light character assassination of anyone foolish enough not to join us - have the occasional veen-ho, and e-mail them about uni coursework. I've worn the ring around them, but neither I nor them have commented on its sparkly symbolism.

When does it stop being simply a fact that we don't really talk about our relationships, and start moving towards blatant misrepresentation? Is this a new and interesting form of cheating? And, has it been left so long that to say anything would just be creepy?

When is it time to make clear you're taken???

We Need To Talk*

Gosh, I think I've started something here - it seems that EVERYONE has a phrase that makes them believe that it'd be more pleasurable to cut their ears off with blunt spoons that actually have to listen and respond to.

However, if we're talking about the phrase that seems to kick your knees out from under you so your stomach seems to go all floaty with fear, I must, MUST include:
  • I'm going to stop you there...
It appears that it is humanly impossible to finish that sentence with, I've heard all I need to hear - you obviously deserve this million dollars/large amount of chocolate/a cuddle.

* title courtesy of TLD

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm Surprised

People who behave in a way that is rude and unpleasant, and then have this behaviour explained away by someone who likes them (i.e. not me) as being the result of them feeling shy in the situation, do not come across as charming and vulnerable, so much as complete fuckchops. Just pointing this out.

We Need To Talk*

OH MY GOD, there are other ppl reading this blog! Please, please - sit down, have a drink, would like a foot rub? Hot sex with the celebrity of your choice? My eternal and undying affection? DONE!**

The lovely Dave commented that there are several choice opening statements that are designed with the sole purpose of making you realise that you're conversation partner doesn't have shiny hair, so much as greasy strands that need a wash.

Here, in no particular order, are the lines that indicate it's time to down your drink, pick up your handbag, and head home alone.

  • Don't take this the wrong way, but...
  • I want to explain why...
  • No offence intended, but...
  • I'm just being honest when I say...
Of course, I'm sure that are some other charmers out there: ante up, people!

* title courtesy of the lovely Dave (yes, it IS an actual title. Soon I shall start referring to him as TLD)

** Chances of having sex with the celebrity of your choice simply b/c you read this blog are slim to none... Unless they have excellent taste, and you meet them here!
But you've totally got my affection, for shizzle.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm Surprised

People who begin a sentence with the words, 'I don't want to sound like wanker but...' inevitably end up sounding like a wanker.

Especially if they complete that sentence with the phrase, 'I understand Post Modernism, and it changed my life.'

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm Surprised DOUBLESHOT

* There is no way to adequately explain the fact that you were pulling faces at a complete stranger because you'd thought that they were someone you actually know in a way that means you don't look like a complete dickhead.

* No one reads this Blog. Looking at the brilliance of the first pt. of this post, I can't find any reasonable explanation for this.