Monday, January 19, 2009

Me Talk Pretty One Day, pt. IV*

In a move towards expressing a greater positivity in my life, I'm attempting to move away fm the linear rigidity of 'no' as a negative response. I choose to engage with my creative self, and fm this point onwards will offer such refusals as, They will never find your body.

It has a certain je ne sais quoi.

* A nod to David Sedaris - he comes up with the genius, I merely steal and degrade it.


Dave ~ said...

I don't usually say as many word(s).

The English language is replete with usable words, so what some would reply with a 'no', I'd reply with a 'that sounds like a lot of fun. Medieval reenactments are quite involved aren't they? I'll have to get back to you regarding my availability.' Then move interstate. Maybe to Honduras.

MelWuv said...

And if all else fails, there's saying no in a positive way, such as, Good Christ no! /charming smile/