Merry Christmas, mes amies, and a very happy New Year. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, like I give a f*ck, let's move on.
While I realise I'm a little late with the countdown, I felt it necessary to ask: has anyone out there made any Resolutions worth breaking? If I hear 'I'm going to get fit! I'm going to spend more time with friends and family! I'm going to eat better!' one more time, I'm going to resolve to punch everyone mouthing these platitudes in the wang.
Why is it that we come over so serious on NYE? Hardly the time to be making earth-shattering pronouncements, considering how much Chardonnay has been taken internally during the celebrations, we nonetheless make sweeping statements that we'd be hard pressed to keep with the assistance from a nutritionist, time management assistant and a team of nannies to keep the kids from putting us off our stride.
Is it that we think big in order to achieve moderately? Do we say we'll eat better - nothing but fresh fruit and vegies! - and count cutting down on takeaways from 3 nites a week to 1 a success? Or do we all have this desire to build failure into any project that really could effect dramatic changes in out lives? (Oh God, there's my next rant: Is Change Really That Scary?). Or do we all realise that it's just pants, and simply feel the need to say something at midnite?
Leaving aside these weighty matters, let me share mine with y'all.
1) Finish every bottle of veen-ho I open
2) Shoot more bats
Simple but effective.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
Damn bats.
Happy new year! I make it a habit of not doing resolutions - kind of like you said - probably not the best time for it. As always you've beaten me to the punch. I've just finished getting a blog ready for next week on this very subject!
Here's hoping 2009 is the year of Mel!
And might I add, Lovely Dave, Merry Xmas! Not sure whether to be riding the wave of awesome that occurs fm tapping into the zeitgeist - that's rite! EVERYONE'S talking about NYE Resolutions!- or just worried that I've recruited another follower to the Darkside of Mel's Random Thoughts. Discuss.
Dark rambling thoughts are contusive to a well adjusted mind and general wellbeing.
Thats my excuse anyway.
Ohh and I concur, NYE statements (resolutions) bandied around so flippantly deserve to become 'shattered dreams'.
May we call them 'Fools Goal'?
Fool's Goal? I LOVE IT! I also quite enjoy thinking of them as, One More Reason You Need To Stop Drinking, Find God, And Attend 3 AA Meetings A Week... Or is that just wrong?
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