Sunday, November 9, 2008

Driving - It's Really Just Swearing On Wheels

I have had the honour and privilege to teach 3 ppl close to my heart how to drive.
Why? I hear you ask. Several reasons:
  1. I can teach them how to swear without taking their hands off the wheel, and thus killing us (a integral part of the enjoyment of road rage is living thru it to tell the story at a later, drunk-dinner-party date)
  2. I really like extreme sports, and
  3. After many years of playing the designated driver, it's now some other pr*ck's turn. When that person was unforthcoming (why? Because most ppl are bastards, who'll happily take advantage of you and your Corolla), I created a few more suckers in my own image. SHOTGUN FRONT SEAT!
But, let me tell you, it's not easy. I spent most of my time as a supervisor with my left foot jabbing uselessly at the floor while I tried to come up with caring and supportive ways to say, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YOU IDIOT, SLOW THE F*CK DOWN. STOOOP! Massively good times were had by all. But, apparently, I'm not the worst out there. This recount of a driving experience shared by the Gorgeous Fwossy (all round awesome babe, and silly enough to let me be her friend), and her mother, proves that there's always someone who makes it a little more painful to complete your necessary hours. Next Learner who complains to me about my 'help' gets a cattle prod fair up the bum.


"Fwossy, I told you not to leave bags in the car."
"Oh. Sorry."


"Turn right."


"Where do I turn?"
"Next left."


"I am... Kind of. Sorry."


(Repeat until a Provisional Licence has been obtained)

1 comment:

Dave ~ said...

Hellooooo? Where's she gone?