Tuesday, June 2, 2009

LOLCats, and How to Get Them

The trick with any good game I've found is to take it to its natural limits and kick it when its down, as it were. It is only when the creative spirit is unfettered by restraints such as good taste that great things can truly be achieved, and you can say things which induce others to vomit into their mouths. The Kittens as Dictators game is one such example.

The rules are simple: using words such as kitten, cat, miaow and purr - all feline words, in the Kitten game - slightly modify the names of great dictators, to turn them into to kittens. May I present:
  • Chairman Miaow
  • Pussolini
  • the Russian President, Pusstin
  • Nikitten Kruschev
  • Mikhail Gorbacat
  • Emperor Hirokitti (see how I spelt that?! lol!)
Of course, then we come to the 'kick it when its down' section of the endeavour. This is a free-for-all beyond the boundaries of common decency, and sense. 'Tis awesome!

  • Gustav Miaowler
  • Richard Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkitties' (miaow me-me-miaow MIAOW! miaow me-me-miaow MIAOW! I love the smell of tuna in the morning! Smells like victory!)
  • Picatsso
Geographical Locations
  • where kittens seek solitude: Catalonia
  • where kittens are originally fm: Purrsia
  • where Bohemian kitties play: Purris
It's terrible, isn't it? But I bet you can think of some of your own...


Dave ~ said...

Can so!

Just not right now.

All I'll say is I have a Chairman Meow t-shirt.

Yeah. That's how I roll.....

Dave ~ said...

Bands –

Matchbox Kittie
Kings of Moew
Purrvana (I quite like that one) (now that I think of it, a t-shirt with a cat underwater a-la Nevermind is just screaming to be made, where’s my royalties?)
Pussycat Dolls (no wait….)

MelWuv said...

Purrvana? Yeah, you're totally coming to Hell with the rest of us. Could you bring the marshmallows?