Awww, are these girls not incredibly cute? Totally set up for a delinquent teenagerhood - how much would you pay to hear the answer to that therapy witch hunt, Tell me about your family? - but adorable! I still don't know what kind of puppy Dad finally coughed up for, but I do know that the White House garden now boasts outdoor play equipment. And, buried underneath it, a nuclear weapons silo, but I digress.
These girls now have a park experience outside their door - a slippery-dip, swings, and, if they forked out for the deluxe package, monkey bars. Oh yeah, they're biggin' it up. Thus, today's t-shirt: LIVING KENNEDY'S DREAM - SWINGING IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
Too much?
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
You know you can make your own t-shirts that others can buy -
You could be wearing it within weeks.
Plus they have some great odd stuff too -
Hours to be wasted. ;o)
I could well do that, but I never was Jolie's bitch, nor am I another swinger in the White House. Ah, for it to be true...
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