Continuing on the Bond theme - and really, why wouldn't you? - I'm opening this blog up to the silliness that is Create Your Own Bond Girl Name.
Best entry wins a watermelon jolly rancher, plus the right to be publicly referred to by their chosen Bond Girl appelation.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
I just thought of one.
Chuckling to myself here.
Eva Destruction.
Tell me that's not GOLD!
Mona Bendover?
Why aren't I writing the next Bond flick? Why dammit, why?
Eva Destruction? Forget the watermelon jolly rancher - you deserve something actually, y'know, GOOD.
Best. Bond Girl Name. Ever.
p.s. I'm totally stealing it as my alias. It's mine now - ha!
Whatdoiget? Whatdoiget?
How goooood?
I have to admit, I'm a little chuffed with myself about that one.
Sooo, bigger than a breadbasket?
But smaller than a microwave...
Who am I kidding? Name it, and it shall be yours. I'll beg, steal or borrow, that's how much I like Eva Destruction.
(Dave said to)
Cinder Rash?
Hi Jack! Gosh, remind me to yell that one out nice and loud next time I'm at the airport - what could possibly go wrong?!
Cinder Rash is mighty fine - she sounds like a good Southern belle
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