Thursday, November 6, 2008

You've got to get to the stage in life where going for it is more important than winning or losing - Arthur Ashe

Dear Senator McCain,
I was extremely impressed by your speech following the announcement of Barack Obama as President-Elect. You spoke with graciousness, dignity, and made it clear that you had fought a fair fight. I understand that, right now, you're probably feeling a little bummed. While failure may be character building, most times you just want the success!

However, I just wanted to mention a few things:
  • you didn't inherit a war in Iraq (remember how well the last one went?)
  • you didn't inherit a war in Afghanistan (remember how well every Western campaign in history went?)
  • you didn't inherit a Depression (remember how well the last one went?)
    • you will not have to engineer a World War in order to revitalise the American economy (remember how well the last one went?)
  • you will not have to spend 4 years with Sarah 'You betcha!' Palin, her assault weapons and all those stuffed moose heads she would have INSISTED on decorating the White House with
  • that stress-related heart failure? Probably just been put off by a couple of years
  • you now have an automatic claim to the moral highground - whatever the Democrats do that is received as unpopular, you simply need to shake you head, smile sadly, and murmur, If I had have been running the show...
Suddenly, losing seems a lot like winning, doesn't it?

Mel Wuv


Dave ~ said...

He was most gracious eh? Enough to feel sorry for the old fella? Nope. Sure he was more intelligent than George Dubbya, but so are my socks, but that's not a reason to vote for the guy. The (much) better bloke won on the day and all we can do now is see if he can live up to his promise. And if the only promise we have is that there can be a POTUS that can string more than two sentences together, he has.

MelWuv said...

Gracious? The man addressed the nation in a way that was compelling, erudite and perceptive. He spoke not as a politician, but as a Statesman. If only he had of bloody done it 4 months ago!

Dave ~ said...

Classy -