The lovely Dave commented that there are several choice opening statements that are designed with the sole purpose of making you realise that you're conversation partner doesn't have shiny hair, so much as greasy strands that need a wash.
Here, in no particular order, are the lines that indicate it's time to down your drink, pick up your handbag, and head home alone.
- Don't take this the wrong way, but...
- I want to explain why...
- No offence intended, but...
- I'm just being honest when I say...
* title courtesy of the lovely Dave (yes, it IS an actual title. Soon I shall start referring to him as TLD)
** Chances of having sex with the celebrity of your choice simply b/c you read this blog are slim to none... Unless they have excellent taste, and you meet them here!
But you've totally got my affection, for shizzle.
TLD? *blush*
Awww, cute. But feel free to pick your own title. I quite fancy 'The Admiral' myself...
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