Being a specimen of such physical perfection, ppl are always asking me, MelWuv, what's the secret to lookin' so damn awesome?
In my dreams, perhaps.
I have reached a point where the closest I get to a sit up is a get up, usually fm the couch, in order to grab another bag of corn chips. If I could actually be arsed to figure out the intricacies of on-line grocery shopping, I'd probably stop walking the supermarket aisles to procure such delicacies. However, this hasn't caught up with me yet - another 3 years and I'll be a fat bastard ready for my appearance on 'The Biggest Loser' - but so far, I'm holding back the tide. But this has to change.
I have a relatively good diet - the rule of thumb is my house is, Himself should cook - and don't drink
too much (I merely enjoy myself tremendously, as often as possible). However, I'm pathologically stingy in matters relating to gym memberships. I won't pay
hundreds of dollars to go running! sez I. I can run around the lake for free, I sez. Of course, I don't. So I sat down, and I tried to think about how to overcome my connundrum, namely
- I don't have the readies to be throwing at the gym
- I hate running with the fire of a thousand suns
- I like having a (relatively) flat tummy, and totally would NOT mind if other bits of me tightened/stopped their vague wobbling
I need a cheap, available exercise routine. Answer? Lots and lots of sex.
- Hello? Do it rite, and it's THE aerobic workout (aerobic is a fancy word for heavy breathing - always a good sign in this field of endeavour)
- Get on top, and work your bum and thighs
- No man I have ever, ever met is thinking about how wobbly your bum is/how roundy your tummy is/how small your boobs are during this kind of workout. Not one single man. Mainly, and I rely on the research of myself and others here, the train of thought seems to be, My God, my God, she's so hot, yes yes yes, this is the best ever, she's amazing, do that again, Ahhh! (Admittedly, not being a man, I'm merely recounting this. If you are a guy, and feel this info to be incorrect, please correct me! I dare you!). How great - a workout that's good for your self-esteem!
- Sucking your stomach in (for appearance's sake), makes it all feel a little more awesome
- Do it standing up, and increase your core strength and balance (or, alternatively, fall onto the fall, and die laughing. That's good for you, too)
- You won't have to buy, or wear, stupid, fluro, lycra outfits, or massively expensive running shoes to get the most out of your workout. Unless that's your thing. In which case, you go, you saucy minx!
- It's good fun sharing the details of your exercise routine with the unwary who ask what you're doing to keep yourself looking so good (unless this fool is a family member. In which case, you've been doing Pilates. Lots and lots of Pilates)
Admittedly, there are some cons
- It's considered poor form, when one is engaged as I am anyway, to have more than one exercise 'buddy'. (On the plus side of this, if you're both committed to your workouts, you won't have the time for another buddy)
- Do it at the gym, and you may be asked to leave/arrested (unless you're a gay man. In which case, you are LIVIN' it, Miss Thing!)
- The money you've saved on gym membership/sports outfits/shoes must be redirected to approriate contraception. That stuff is damn expensive. Bastards.
Have I come up with a brilliant solution to the obesity epidemic? Or am I just looking for an excuse to shag like a rabbit?